Manhattan, the Universe, and Everything

A single Manhattanite's diary of her life in The City, plus various odd commentary.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Lara Nicole Collection

Friday night found me at Crash Mansion, in the middle of that hipster dumpster known as the lower east side. Fortunately, the establishment was patronized by more washed folk, as fledgling designer (and hedge-funder by day) Lara Nicole was debuting her new line at a fashion event there. Her style is Grecian-inspired, her dresses suitable for anything ranging from the office holiday party to cocktail receptions to weddings to formal balls with young, attractive royals in attendance.

It's reminiscent of Nicole Miller's spring 2005 line, with a bright splash of color and rare blend of the classic and the exotic that is all too missed in black-happy Manhattan. While basic whites and blacks are forever timeless, one gets the feeling that if Holly Golightly lived in the Manhattan of 2006, she would have replaced her signature black dress with one of these creations.

You can visit her website here, but unfortunately, it is under construction. You can also email the designer herself at if interested.


At October 10, 2006 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Friday night found me at Crash Mansion, in the middle of that hipster dumpster known as the lower east side. Fortunately, the establishment was patronized by more washed folk..."

It amazes me that there are still young people living in NYC today who consider going below 57th as if venturing to another country. The LES is a hell of a lot more interesting than the UES. To me, anyway.


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